Leaping into Leap Day: 7 Ways Teens Can Have Fun on February’s Bonus Day

Every four years, February 29th gives us an extra 24 hours to play with. Leap Day only comes once every 1,461 days, so take advantage of this bonus time! As a teenager, you don’t need much excuse to have fun, but why not use this unusual day to stir up some whimsy and adventure? Whether you’re spending it solo, grabbing a bestie, or gathering the whole gang together, here are 7 Leap Day ideas primed for teens looking to revel in the spirit of this quirky occasion—pajama parties, topsy-turvy fun, festive treats, and more. This February 29th, give your regular routine the day off and get a little leap-y!

Make It a Pajama Day

What better way to celebrate an extra day than by staying in your pajamas as long as possible? Sleep in late, have a lazy breakfast, watch movies in bed, and lounge around in your coziest PJs without having to get dressed up. You’ll feel like a kid again.

Host an Indoor Picnic

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun picnic! Spread out your favorite blanket on the living room or basement floor and enjoy all your favorite snacks and sandwiches indoors. Make it fancy with frilly toothpicks in the sandwiches, chocolate-dipped strawberries, and festive paper plates.

Have an Upside Down Day

Turn your regular routine upside down for a silly change of pace. Wear your clothes backwards, eat dinner foods for breakfast, walk backwards through the house, and do everyday tasks in the opposite order. End the night by watching a movie...backwards!

Make Up a New Holiday

Use your imagination to invent a wacky new holiday to celebrate on February 29th. Pick a fun theme, make up traditions, decorate accordingly, and come up with activities to celebrate all day long. Teach your family about this new “holiday” and see if you can keep its traditions going in future Leap Years.

Do Age Math

Figure out how old you are in days, months, and years, along with fractions like “I’m 3⁄4 of the way to my next birthday.” Then calculate how many leap days you’ve lived through or will live through in your lifespan. See who ends up with the most or least.

Play Flashlight Tag

When the sun goes down, get a group of friends together for an epic game of flashlight tag. Set boundaries ahead of time, divide into teams, and use flashlights to stalk each other in the dark. Everyone will get their hearts racing and end the day completely tuckered out.

Make Leap Day Treats

Whip up some fun sweets to mark the occasion like frog cupcakes (green with candy eyes), rabbit cookies (with pretzel ears), or lime or lemon squares decorated with Leap Day messages. Have an extra slice...because it’s Leap Day! Make enough to share at school too.

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