Summer Planning by Grade

Depending on what grade your student is in, you might consider making a loose, multi-year plan for the summers ahead. Of course, it’s absolutely possible for students to do more than one activity during the summer. If there are multiple activities a student would like to participate in, we encourage them to include them in their summer plan to see how a summer might flow. Students can map out possible activities for the next few summers, and see if they identify a common thread or interest to pursue. 

  • Freshmen and sophomores: Summer programs, camps (including CIT programs), and travel are great options for exploring interests. 
  • Paid programs on college campuses probably won’t have any impact on getting into college but can be helpful for students (especially those who are less engaged in the college process or are the first in their family to go to college) to experience what it’s like to live on a college campus and determine what they want in a college. 
  • Juniors and seniors: Consider something that is more self-driven, such as a job, internship, or academic research. 
  • Students gain valuable experience from researching, applying to, and interviewing for jobs or internships.
  • Parents: Know your student and their schedule!
  • Make a plan that ensures the student doesn’t become too busy or overwhelmed. Students should never return to classes in the fall feeling burnt out and exhausted.

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