What Should My Eighth Grader Be Thinking About This Summer?

For eighth graders, high school is just around the corner, and with it, an exciting transition! To make the most of summer and feel prepared for high school, here are four tips for pre-high school summer planning. 

  1. Learning Gaps: Are there subjects your student struggled with in middle school? Summer is a great time to continue academic engagement and stay sharp. High school brings with it a more challenging curriculum, so summer is a great time to address any “trouble areas” so your student can start high school with confidence. 
  2. Time Management and Study Skills: the increased rigor and academic demands of high school also demands greater organizational abilities. Use summer to access your student’s time management and study skills. Bolster your student’s executive function by encouraging them to use a planner, reminder apps on their phone, and to-do lists, so they stay on top of their responsibilities in high school. 
  3. Activity Planning: Summer is a great time to discuss the activities your student enjoyed in middle school. If they were enrolled in middle school concert band, do they want to continue marching band in high school? What about a school sport? Use the free time in summer to evaluate your students' passions and strengths, while also considering areas that may give them more time for studies.    
  4. Fun: While it can be easy for families to get swept away in the stresses of high school and college planning, don’t forget the importance of fun this summer. Be sure your eighth-grader has plenty of time for rest and relaxation before starting high school! 

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