Choosing Community Service As Part of A COVID19 Activity Plan

The COVID-19 crisis has been devastating, but it's heartwarming to see people—including students—step up to volunteer in creative ways. In addition to helping people who need it most, volunteering is a wonderful way to learn leadership skills and gain perspective. While it takes a little more creativity, there are ways for students to volunteer from home. 

For example, teens might consider volunteering to raise money for a charity that is important to them. Fundraising allows the students to use a variety of skills, including communication, marketing, project management, and financial management. 

There are also some wonderful organizations that are organizing virtual volunteers. Here are some resources for remote community service ideas:

Remember: just completing a few hours of volunteer work will not have as much impact as making a longer term commitment to one organization. Working in a field of interest over a long period of time gives students the opportunity to make a significant impact on the organization. Hopefully, over time, a student’s commitment will lead to greater responsibility and possible leadership positions.

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