With summermatch.me, students can spend summer break in fulfilling ways that develop strengths and interests. One big change for us is that we've built it for students who want to discover summer options. The Summer MatchPoint directory has been developed for IECS, college counselors, and parents.

This AI tool recommends personalized activities - from our comprehensive database - that align with the student's aspirations. These recommendations can include skill-building programs, internships, community service projects, recreational pursuits, and more. With summermatch.me, students will build self-confidence, discover new interests, positively impact their communities, and ultimately strengthen their college applications.  

As we've developed this tool, we've focused on the needs of high school students:

  • eager to make the most of summer break 
  • currently engaged in extracurricular activities and has a sense of prospective college major
  • struggles to discover summer activities tailored to her interests and her summer availability
  • wants to communicate summer activities in college apps
  • depends on online searches and recommendations for ideas
  • proficient with smartphones, web, and social media for searching and sharing

The tool is initially web-based, making it easier for anyone to access.

Here are the user stories we focused on for this beta version of summermatch.me:

1. As a user, I want to engage with the web app via conversational AI to define what I am looking for in terms of summer activities.

- GIVEN I am on the web app,

- WHEN I interact with the conversational AI interface,

- THEN I should be able to input my preferences and requirements for summer activities.

2. As a user, I want to be presented with X number of options from the dataset, based on the aggregated prompt I provided.

- GIVEN I have defined my preferences in the conversational UX,

- WHEN the system processes my inputs,

- THEN I expect to be presented with a list of X options for summer activities based on those inputs.

3. As a user, I want the option to create an account.

- GIVEN I am on the web app,

- WHEN I choose to create an account,

- THEN I should be able to provide necessary details and successfully create an account.

4. As a user, I want to be able to save my a set of summer activities as a plan and my preferences  for future reference.

- GIVEN I have specified my preferences and goals in the conversational AI,

- WHEN I choose to save my preferences,

- THEN the system should store them securely and associate them with my user account.

5. As a user, I want the ability to share activities with others.

- GIVEN I have created an activity plan,

- WHEN I choose to share it,

- THEN the web app should provide options to share it.

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