5 Tell-Tale Signs Your High Schooler is Thriving

Want to make sure your high schooler is thriving? Look for these 5 tell-tale signs: passionate pursuits in areas of interest, rising to new challenges, progress through feedback, real-world readiness, and intellectual curiosity. These milestones indicate your teen is flourishing academically and socially. They are actively developing talents, abilities, knowledge, and perspectives necessary to thrive now and after graduation. With your support and guidance, your child can make the most of these pivotal high school years.

Watch for these 5 indicators while asking key questions:

1. Applying Natural Talents

- What activities energize you and allow you to apply your strengths?

- What new abilities do you want to build on top of your innate talents?

Help them recognize their passions. Growth happens when students stretch existing gifts while developing new ones.

2. Taking on New Challenges 

- What productive struggles have expanded your abilities lately?

- How can I support you in taking on challenges without becoming overwhelmed?

Don’t shield them from challenges. With encouragement, these struggles build grit, resilience, and resourcefulness. 

3. Receiving Praise and Feedback

- What recent feedback have you gotten from teachers, coaches or peers? 

- How can praise and constructive criticism help you grow?

Reinforce that feedback is not criticism, but fuel for growth. Input validates efforts and fosters improvement.

4. Building Real-World Skills

- What skills are you gaining to succeed in college, careers and adulthood? 

- How can I empower you to build crucial abilities like communication, collaboration and problem-solving?

College and career readiness comes from actively developing tangible skills, not just earning grades. Provide opportunities.

5. Exploring New Interests

- What new subjects and activities have you explored that expanded your perspectives?

- How can I encourage you to pursue interests that broaden your worldview?

Intellectual curiosity and openness lead to personal growth. Nurture passion for learning in and out of school.

Adopting a growth mindset helps students embrace challenges as opportunities for self-improvement, not threats. By monitoring these milestones and asking key questions, you can ensure your teen will graduate poised for college, career, and life success.

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