3 Tips For Being A Positive Influence on Your Student’s Campus Tours

Are you a parent whose child is about to embark on the exciting journey of college tours?  As a parent, it's also important to approach college tours with the right mindset. Be supportive, ask thoughtful questions, and encourage your child to explore a variety of options. Remember that the college search process can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience.

Here are 3 tips to help parents support their students on college tours

First and foremost, it's essential to ensure that your student has done their research ahead of time. This will allow them to select schools that they are genuinely interested in and use your time wisely. There are countless resources available online that can help your student narrow down their options based on location, majors, extracurriculars, and other factors that are important to them. Encourage your student to make a list of their top choices and plan visits accordingly.

Next, it's crucial to see a wide range of acceptance rates. While it's tempting to focus on "reach" schools, which are colleges with less than a 20 percent acceptance rate, it's also essential to consider "matched" and "possible" schools. This will help your student have a well-rounded understanding of the different options available to them and make an informed decision.

Finally, it's essential to discuss your family's budget for college. College is a significant financial investment, and it's essential to make sure that you're seeing colleges that will fit in with your family's financial situation. This will help your student avoid disappointment by falling in love with a school that's out of range for your family.

A few years back, we shared with families a College Tour parent pledge. This pledge serves as a helpful reminder of our role as parents on these tours. Here are a few key takeaways from the pledge:

  • Let your student take the lead. This trip is about them, not you.
  • Bite your tongue until you know what your student thinks about the college.
  • Understand that your student's evaluation of the college may differ from yours, and respect their opinion.
  • Give up the expectation that this trip will be perfect.
  • Be grateful for this time together and appreciate that your student is including you on their journey.

College tours are an exciting opportunity for both students and parents. By keeping these tips and the College Tour parent pledge in mind, you can ensure that your experience is a positive one. Good luck and enjoy the journey!

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