3 Tips For Helping Teenagers Dealing With Senioritis

It's that time of year again - high school seniors are feeling the pressure of finishing up their final year and preparing for college. And for some, this can lead to "senioritis", fueled by the switch from looking forward to the future to getting bogged down in classes and other activities.  If you're a parent of a senior, you may be wondering how to help them deal with this. Here are three tips for helping teenagers deal with senioritis.

Tip #1:Encourage Them To Finish Strong

With only a few months left in their high school careers, it's important for seniors to finish strong. They've worked hard for four years and now is not the time to slack off. Remind them that colleges will be looking at their final grades, so they need to stay on top of their work.

Tip #2: Help Them Find Their Stress-Relief Outlet 

We all need some way to relieve stress and your senior may be extra-stressed during this time. Help them find an outlet that works for them whether it's working out, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family.

Tip #3: Keep The Communication Open

Seniors may start to withdraw during this time as they start thinking about all the changes ahead. But it's important to keep the communication open so they feel comfortable coming to you with any concerns or stresses they may have. Let them know you're there for them no matter what happens after graduation.

As a students looks back at their time in high school, they should be proud of all that they have accomplished. It is easy to discount successes since they are so often overshadowed by what more could have been done, but it's important to take a moment and recognize the hard work and dedication that led to those accomplishments. Whether it was being accepted into college, winning a spot on an athletic team, or maintaining a high GPA, these successes should be celebrated for the triumphs that they represent.

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